Dog bite accidents

Many people take pleasure in animal ownership, and in most cases, a dog becomes a part of someone’s family. Oftentimes, though, people forget the dangers surrounding dogs and other animals. According to the Center for Disease Control, 4.7 million Americans suffer from dog bites every year. Sixty percent of these dog bite victims are children.

What potential claims can be filed for dog bite injuries?

Pet owners have the legal responsibility for their dog’s behavior. In most dog bite cases, the owner of the dog will be required to pay for any damages suffered by the victim. These damages may include monetary compensation for:

  • scarring and disfigurement

  • pain and suffering

  • medical bills

  • lost wages

Who pays for injuries in a dog bite accident?

Because injuries sustained from an animal attack can be very serious, many states make it difficult for dog owners to avoid paying liability for their dog’s actions. In Minnesota, dog owners are held responsible for injuries caused by their pet. The law doesn’t just include dog bites. It also includes injuries caused by being knocked down or falling as a result of a dog’s actions.

Why choose Sussman Law?

If you are dealing with a dog bite that occurred in or around Minneapolis, you need a lawyer who is familiar with the intricacies of a Minneapolis dog bite lawsuit. At the Law Offices of Howard Sussman we focus on personal injury lawsuits. We know Minnesota Dog Bite Law. Call us today at 612.332.4830, and we will be happy to discuss your dog bite case. (Initial consultations are always free.)

Contact our experienced attorneys today.