Minneapolis motorcycle accident attorney Howard Sussman has seen the damage that motorcycle accidents can cause, and he is committed to helping those whose lives have been changed because of a motorcycle-related accident. With over 20 years of service in the Min

neapolis/St. Paul area, the Law Offices of Howard Sussman have successfully represented many clients who have suffered physical and emotional pain because of the negligence of others. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, or are the family member of a motorcycle-related fatality victim, you may be entitled to damages including medical care, lost wages and other compensation.

Motorcycle accident statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 100,000 motorcyclists have been killed in accidents in the last 40 years.

Causes of motorcycle accidents

Approximately three-quarters of all motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle, usually a car, and most of these were caused by failure of the driver to yield right-of-way. If you’re on a motorcycle and are hit by a car, you’re three times more likely to be seriously injured, and fourteen times more likely to be killed, than a person injured in an accident involving two cars.

Motorcycle injury claims

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries or death to the operator or passenger involved. Injuries range from a minimum of road rash, to fractured bones, amputations, spinal cord injuries, head injuries and death. If you were injured because of the negligence or fault of another driver, you are entitled to full compensation for your medical bills and lost wages from the other driver’s insurance carrier. If the driver has no insurance or is underinsured, you may be able to pursue a claim with your own insurance company.

Contact our experienced attorneys today.